
Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 2 Reflection (8/30-9/3)

I admit, I did not find this week particularly interesting. I chose not to do the question and while I read a great many blog posts, I could never really find myself enticed enough to the point where I would have a meaningful rejoinder. I understand the concept, and I understand its importance but I struggle to "get into" this particular subject matter in the abstract.

I enjoyed the readings, though. I am familiar with Walt from Foreign Policy and I generally find him tolerable. I disagree with him on many issues (he's far too realist, to the point where he overlooks the physical realities for the abstract laws) but he's always fun to read. I was not familiar with the author of the second reading, but his analysis was interesting as it brought a post 9/11 framework onto the '99 mindset Walt had.

I did find the format of the discussion interesting, though. We didn't directly address either reading but instead PTJ attempted to direct the flow of the discussion so that we were unconsciously, to an extent, mirroring several IR theories discussed in the readings.

I went home over the weekend, so I'm not sure exactly how the whole Orange/Green/Blue situation worked out but when I got back today, it seemed to have played itself out. I apologize for the lateness of this post, but our house is being renovated and lack of internet and cable was an unfortunate side effect.

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